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Voice to text

Voice To Text Generating Free Online Tool Click on the microphone icon and start speaking. Speak now || Hindi/Urdu ! No speech was detected. adjust your microphone settings. No microphone.! Ensure that a microphone configured correctly. Click the "Allow" button above to enable your microphone. Permission to use microphone was denied. Permission to use microphone is blocked. To change, go to chrome://settings/contentExceptions#media-stream This facility is not supported by your browser. Upgrade to Chrome . Copy Send Email Download Text   Generate Voice To Text Online Voice to text typing online tool is a very convenient app for students who have trouble typing on the keyboard or find it difficult to type. With its voice dictation feature, Voice to text typing online tool allows students to speak out their essays and papers, which are converted into text right before their eyes, voice to text typing software is a great tool...
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Ramzan Mubarak gift send it to your friends

 》⍟☆⍣ Ramzan Mubarak 2020 ⍣☆⍟《 Your browser does not support the audio element. ▁ ▂ ▄ ⍟☆⍣ Ramzan Mubarak ⍣☆⍟▄ ▂ ▁ 🕋 Ramzan ul Mubarak 🕋  🌺 رمضان کا پہلا عشرہ مبارک ہو  🌺    🌺 عشرہ رحمت 🌺    🌺 رب غفر وارحم وانت خیرالراحمین. 🌺    🌺 رب غفر وارحم وانت خیرالراحمین. 🌺    🌺 رب غفر وارحم وانت خیرالراحمین. 🌺    🌺 زندگی رمضان کی طرح گزارو 🌺    🌺 تاکہ موت عید کی طرح آ ئے  🌺    🌺   Share Share

Eassay on corruption

Today I will express my views on the subject of corruption.  Political corruption refers to the misuse of power by government officials for illicit personal gain.  The word corruption is used in the sense of bad, broken, defective, the famous philosopher Aristotle and later Cicero used it in the sense of corruption.  That is, to take a bribe, to take advantage of one's authority and do something for someone else that he is not capable of. کرپشن یعنی بدعنوانی کا لفظ آج کل سیاست میں بہت زیادہ استعمال کیا جانے لگا ہے خصوصی طور پر پاکستانی سیاست میں۔ بد عنوانی کے مختلف پیمانے ہیں۔ نچلی سطح سے لے کر حکومتی بلکہ بین الاقوامی سطح تک اس بد عنوانی کی جڑیں پھیل چکی ہیں۔ بین الاقوامی معاملات میں بھی اس کے شواہد ملتے ہیں۔ چھوٹی موٹی بد عنوانیوں میں نوکری پیشہ افراد اپنے افسران کی خوشنودی حاصل کرنے کے لیے موقع بے موقع انھیں تحائف پیش کرتے رہتے ہیں۔ یا پھر ذاتی تعلقات سے کام لے کر اپنے چھوٹے چھوٹے کام نکلوا لیتے ہیں جسے ہم سفارش کا نام دے سکتے ہیں۔ بڑے پیمانے پر بد عنوانی حکومتی...

Eassay on kashmir issues

Kashmir has extensive natural beauty, with unique places and dtraits. ‘Kashmir’ heaven  on earth is known  for its captivating and scenic beauty along with diverse socio-culture characteristics; it is an ultimate wonderland for nature admirer. Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the Kashmir, is the issue that has always been a point of central disagreement. Jammu and Kashmir have a long history linked with both countries. Pakistan and India are two independent nations and Kashmir is the major conflict between them. There have been several wars fought between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue. The  essay writing Pakistan  service explains the topic in depth by giving insights on wars over Kashmir. First War on Kashmir in 1947: Pakistan and India clashed over Kashmir right after partition; at that time Hindu king, Maharaja Hari Singh ruled the Muslim majority state. On October 26, 1947, Maharaja decided and announced to ...